Perinatal Mental Health Study Day

Date & Time:

Tuesday 26 April 2022 (09:00 - 17:00)


Village Hotel, Castlegate Dr, Dudley


This event has been organised by Black Country Healthcare in partnership with Dudley Safeguarding People Partnership.

It aims to raise awareness and insight into perinatal mental health including risk factors, diagnosis and treatment as well as the role of the Specialist Perinatal Mental Health Team.

The day will include talks from the Specialist Perinatal Mental Health team, partners in health and social care with contributions from service users.

This event is only open to Dudley Practitioners who work with families in the ante-natal and post-natal period.

Refreshments and lunch provided.


Booking has now closed for this event.

Further Information:




Black Country Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust


Black Country Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

Venue Details:

Village Hotel, Castlegate Dr, Dudley

(01384 888830)